About the event
In 2019, DJ Mark One and Dr Penny Trayner pooled their expertise to deliver the first DJ’ing for rehabilitation programme, as part of a 4-day non-residential brain camp that aimed to impart key cognitive rehabilitation strategies to camp participants alongside real-world application of the skills in learning how to DJ. From there the BPM (Brain’s Powered by Music) programme was born: https://www.bpm.rehab/
In this webinar, Dr Trayner and DJ Mark One will discuss how the programme is delivered in practice, how it has been received so far and outcomes for participants which include
procuring DJ slots at festivals. Dr Trayner has also designed several other unique community-based interventions for young people who have acquired brain injury with the goal of delivering systemic ecologically valid interventions in paediatric neurorehabilitation which are meaningful and motivating for the individuals. Dr Trayner will also discuss some of these other applications as part of this webinar.
Dr Penny Trayner
Dr Penny Trayner is a paediatric clinical neuropsychologist and clinical psychologist based in Manchester. In 2009, she founded a specialist community-based neuropsychological
rehabilitation service for children with acquired brain injury, serving patients and families across the UK. Penny has co-authored articles in leading international journals and is an
invited speaker at national and international conferences on a range of topics related to neuropsychology and mental health. When she is not being a neuropsychologist, Penny is
also a professional DJ and has used these skills to co-design a DJing for rehabilitation programme as a vehicle for helping children and adults recover from catastrophic brain
DJ Mark One
DJ Mark One is an accomplished DJ since 1991 playing Clubs, Bars, Festivals, Arenas, TV & Radio, and DJ/Producer for multi platinum selling band Texas. A DJ Tutor with over 25 years experience and over 2000 students, curator of the GCSE curriculum, London College of Music DJ curator/examiner of the world’s only accredited graded DJ examinations and guest lecturer at the Royal Northern College of Music.
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