A number of families contacted RPCF directly with experiences around the issues they are experiencing described in the SEND local area inspection report of July 21. For further information click the link to our website:
RPCF are committed to facilitating the voice and lived experience of families to reduce isolation, gather a collective voice and ultimately enable better outcomes for our young people. We are committed to working in partnership with services to shape the delivery of services our families receive. The aim of this session is looking to inform parents/carers across Rotherham borough that action is being taken to address their lived experience when a need is identified.
RMBC have been tasked by Ofsted to produce a written statement of action (WSOA) focusing on each of the areas of the significant weakness identified by the inspectors. The WSOA sets the time frame which may be long term with short term (within 18 months) which will demonstrate progress.
RPCF are aware of some questions/queries families have around the areas of weakness identified – Colleagues suggested a Q&A and a Menti session for parent/carers, following on from the previous listening event in Nov 2022, we are now focusing on the SEND Local Offer element of the WSoA.
The listening event will be an opportunity to share your views, ask any questions via the consultation below and hear updates on what has happened already and is happening since inspection from representatives from Health and the Local Authority.
For more about SEND Local Offer please Visit-Homepage – Rotherham SEND Local Offer
For more on the WSOA please visit the local offer website – https://www.rotherhamsendlocaloffer.org.uk/about-1/send-joint-area-inspection
Please complete the consultation below and indicate whether you would like to attend the virtual event on the 17th of Jan 2023 from 11.30am – 1pm.
You must be a full member to book a place