One thing that brings all legal specialists together is the passion and will to help people access the support they need. But, sometimes it’s not as accessible as we’d like. That’s why, we created the Irwin Mitchell Night School.
The Irwin Mitchell Night School is a free and informative webinar series that offers a friendly and helpful introduction to the legal world.
Our speakers will be on hand to help you with any questions you may have along the way. They’re here to help you get the most out of the course, and feel empowered as a result.
If you have any queries, please call Laura Daly on +44(0)121 7569 884 or email
Supporting You and Your Family
During Supporting You and Your Family, James Henshall, associate solicitor from our Family Law team will discuss:
- How disability is considered by Family Courts’
- The law surrounding parental disputes when considering finances for a disabled child
- How a divorce may affect finances for a disabled child
- How a disabled child’s needs are assessed
- The Courts role in parental disputes regarding contact arrangements, education and medical treatment.
James’ expertise includes matters arising from a separation, such as divorce, child arrangements, and property disputes.
He also helps people protect their interests when taking the next step with a new partner, for instance advising on pre- and post-marital agreements (‘pre-nups’) and cohabitation agreements.
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