Children’s Additional Needs Network
Learn to use gym machines with confidence, exercise, socialise and have fun with friends. Led by experienced instructors.
Ladybower Fisheries is in the heart of the Peak District National Park. We have a team of dedicated qualified staff and volunteers and offer assisted fly fishing sessions on accessible boats or pontoons. These sessions are especially tailored for people with disabilities, regardless of age, enabling them to take up fishing for the first time, or to get back in to fishing after a life changing event. Working in partnership with the British Disabled Angling Association (BDAA) we may be able to fund the fishing events at Ladybower Fisheries and provide adapted fishing equipment as required. All our activities are fully risk assessed by lead fishing coaches who are certified safeguarding and first aid trained and hold a valid enhanced DBS, our power boat operators are all RYA trained and able to assist people with disabilities. Site visits from individuals or groups are welcome before any activity takes place.
Ladybower Fisheries Ashopton Road Bamford Derbyshire S33 0AZ
Being a parent is amazing but at times we all need practical help and advice. Sheffield Parent Hub deliver a range of evidence based programmes. These are tried and tested programmes based on international research into what works for families and children!
Sheffield City Council
Changing Faces is the UK’s leading charity for everyone with a mark, scar or condition on their face or body that makes them look different. We offer free emotional, social and counselling support for people who have a visible difference which affects their mental or emotional wellbeing. This include a support and information line, one-to-one social and emotional support sessions, an online community forum, peer support group sessions (18yrs +), and online workshops for children, young people and parents, and a skin camouflage service. Our skin camouflage service is available at locations across England & Scotland. Our free wellbeing services are all delivered via telephone, video session or online, meaning they can be accessed across the UK, wherever you live. On our website you will also find self-help guides and resources for schools.
The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane Sheffield S1 4FW
Barnsley Youth Voice and Participation team have 3 youth voice forums, Barnsley SEND Youth forum is a platform for young people aged 11-25 who experience SEND. Members of the SEND Youth forum regularly meet with their peers and consult wider in educational settings to make sure SEND youth voice is represented and that the views/ideas of SEND young people are considered when key decision makers are implementing and designing services. Barnsley Youth Council is a platform where young people can get involved in youth voice activities and influence change, Care4us Council is a youth voice forum for looked after and/or care experienced young people.
Youth Voice & Participation Coordinator Targeted Youth Support Service Education, Early Start and Prevention People Directorate Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council The Wombwell IKIC Centre, Barnsley Road,
Accessibility Tools