Children’s Additional Needs Network
Charity providing ‘help, hope, inspiration & friendship’ for children, young people and beyond with Cerebral Palsy/physical disabilities. The main aims of CP Teens UK are: The promotion of social inclusion among young people with physical disabilities who are socially excluded from society, or parts of society, as a result of their disability by: Providing connections & friendships for young people with a range of physical disabilities as part of a monitored and supportive community Providing help, support & advice for young people with physical disabilities, and their families Providing workshops, forums, advocacy and general support Providing recreational facilities and opportunities for young people with physical disabilities Registered Charity No. 1172105.
CP Teens UK, Office 7, The Community HUB, Technique Stadium, Chesterfield S41 8NZ
We have been providing opportunities for people with physical impairments to take part in sport for over 75 years. Based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, the birthplace of the Paralympic movement, WheelPower is at the heart of wheelchair sport. From first-timers to Paralympic medallists, we support and promote participation at all levels. We have seen how playing sport can enrich lives, offering tremendous physical and psychological benefits, whatever your age or ability
Stoke Mandeville Stadium Guttmann Road Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP21 9PP
Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB) and Rotherham Sight & Sound (RSS) provide opportunity, support, friendship and services to people with sight and/or hearing loss in the Sheffield and Rotherham area, helping them to achieve whatever they wish to do and whatever they aspire to be. We offer a range of activities and services for our young clients and their families, including a pre-school playgroup, a youth group, trips and benefits advice.
5 Mappin St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 4DT
Educational Psychologists work mainly with schools and places where children are educated. We help to find solutions to worries and concerns people might have about how children are developing, progressing or learning. We often work with children who are the most vulnerable and have the greatest complexity of needs. Mainly a specialist service but timely intervention can sometimes prevent issues becoming more complex. The Service consists of a team of Educational Psychologists and an admin team. There are 22 psychologists, some working part time and others full time. This is the equivalent of Just over 18 full time posts for the whole of the city. The Service is currently managed by two Principal Educational Psychologists, supported by three Senior Educational Psychologists. The service has a specialist senior Educational Psychologists for Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs All Educational Psychologists are qualified practitioners, and registered with the HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council) Most practicing psychologists are also members of the Association of Educational Psychologists, and/or the British Psychological Service
Sheffield Educational Psychology Service Floor 4, North Wing Moorfoot Building Sheffield S1 4PL
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